About Us

Something Special, situated in the heart of the Antwerp Diamond District, has been serving the community for more than 20 years. Wedding registry has been our specialty and we have been pleasing brides and their mothers with our outstanding service and selection as well as fair prices which have attracted local and international clientele.

The boutique, located on the "Stadspark/City Park", is where you will find top brands alongside one-of-a-kind items , all displayed with artistic flair in 1800 sq. feet. We are an "official retailer" and have direct working relationship with manufacturers such as Wedgwood, Lalique, Ercuis, Royal Copenhagen, Kosta Boda, ... Our efficient and friendly staff is on call to help you make your selection and answer any inquiries. Weddings are a serious business and a bridal registry is a once-in-a-lifetime event. No one understands this better than the people at TableTop.be.

Privacy Notice

Your privacy is very important to us, and we will not sell, rent, or give away any personal information, neither that of the registrants nor of the purchaser beyond informing the registered couple of the identity of the gift giver.

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